Black plate (61,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-8087806) - 2015 -CRC 1st Edition - 5/19/14Vehicle Care 10-61Warning (Continued)to the proper torque specificationafter replacing. Follow the torquespecification supplied by theaftermarket manufacturer whenusing accessory locking wheelnuts. See Capacities andSpecifications on page 12-2 fororiginal equipment wheel nuttorque specifications.{ CautionImproperly tightened wheel nutscan lead to brake pulsation androtor damage. To avoid expensivebrake repairs, evenly tighten thewheel nuts in the propersequence and to the propertorque specification. SeeCapacities and Specifications onpage 12-2 for the wheel nuttorque specification.16. Tighten the wheel nuts firmly ina crisscross sequence, asshown.17. Lower the jack all the way andremove the jack from under thevehicle.18. Tighten the wheel nuts firmlywith the wheel wrench.When reinstalling the wheel cover orcenter cap on the full-size tire,tighten all six plastic caps handsnug with the aid of the wheelwrench and tighten them with thewheel wrench an additionalone-quarter of a turn.{ CautionWheel covers will not fit on thevehicle's compact spare. If you tryto put a wheel cover on thecompact spare, the cover or thespare could be damaged.Storing a Flat or Spare Tireand Tools{ WarningStoring a jack, a tire, or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store all these inthe proper place.To store the flat or spare tire andtools:1. Open the liftgate. See Liftgateon page 2-11 for moreinformation.