Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-13527545) - 2020 -CRC - 9/16/1944 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSPosition, and then Seat EntryMemory. Select On or Off. See“Seat Entry Memory” later in thissection.. To begin Seat Exit Memorymovement when the vehicle isturned off and the driver door isopened, or when the vehicle isturned off with the driver dooralready opened, select the Settingsmenu, then Vehicle, then SeatingPosition, and then Seat ExitMemory. Select On or Off. See“Seat Exit Memory” later in thissection.. See Vehicle Personalization 0 129for additional setting information.Identifying Driver NumberTo identify the driver number:1. Move your RKE transmitter awayfrom the vehicle.2. Start the vehicle with anotherkey or RKE transmitter. The DICshould display the driver numberfor the other RKE transmitter.Turn the vehicle off and removethe key or RKE transmitter fromthe vehicle.3. Start the vehicle with the initialkey or RKE transmitter. The DICshould display the driver numberof your RKE transmitter.Saving Memory PositionsRead these instructions completelybefore saving memory positions.To save preferred driving positions1 and 2:1. Turn the vehicle on or to ACC/ACCESSORY.A DIC welcome message mayindicate driver number 1 or 2.2. Adjust all available memoryfeatures to the desired drivingposition.3. Press and release SET; a beepwill sound.4. Immediately press and hold the1 or 2 memory button matchingthe above DIC welcome messageuntil two beeps sound.If too much time passes betweenreleasing SET and pressing 1, thememory position will not besaved and two beeps will notsound. Repeat Steps 3 and 4.1 or 2 corresponds to the drivernumber. See “Identifying DriverNumber” previously in thissection.5. Repeat Steps 1–4 for a seconddriver using 1 or 2.To save the position for B and SeatExit Memory features, repeatSteps 1–4 using B. This saves theposition for getting out of the vehicle.Save preferred memory featurepositions to both 1 and 2 if you arethe only driver.Manually Recalling MemoryPositionsPress and hold 1, 2, or B to recallthe previously saved memorypositions if you are driver 1 or 2identified in the DIC welcomemessage.