Printer does not switch onThe POWER lamp does not light when the POWER button is pressed.Check the printer and power cableIs the battery fully charged?When you are using the printer on battery power only, you cannotswitch the printer on if the battery is low. With the battery installed inthe printer, connect and use the AC adapter.OtherMacintoshWindowsOtherMacintoshWindowsOtherMacintoshWindows128 Chapter 6 TroubleshootingPress the POWER button againto see if the POWER lamp lights.If power outlet is overloaded, then theprinter will automatically switch off. Ifthis occurs, unplug the printer and afew moments and plug it in again.Connect the power cord tothe printer and plug in thepower cord to the poweroutlet securely.Make sure that the lock switchis set to the right.Plug other electrical appliances into thesame power outlet to see if it is working.