The printer printed normally with another software application• The problem resides with the software application. Refer to thesoftware application manual for details or call for service.• Sometimes the problem can be solved by updating the printerdriver. Before you call for service to obtain information aboutacquiring the latest version of the printer driver, make sure thatyou know the number of your current printer driver.• Check the computer’s available memory and hard disk space.(+148) An error can be caused if there is not enough memory orsufficient free space on the hard disk. Consequently, when youexecute a large print job in an environment where one or moreadditional software applications are open, the computer may runout memory and cannot complete the print job.If you cannot solve the problem, before you call for service:• Write a short memo describing the problem.• Note of any error messages that were displayed on the screen.• Make sure you have all the important information about yoursystem (amount of memory, free disk space, current versionnumber of the printer driver). (+148)147Chapter 6 Troubleshooting6