462GlossarycplCharacters per line. A unit of measurement that indicates the number of characters printedper line.cpsCharacters per second. A unit of measurement that indicates the printer’s speed.dBStands for decibel level (a decibel being a unit of measurement for the intensity of thesound), adjusted for background noise.default settingA printer setting selected at the factory and permanently registered in the printer’s ROM. Itis a setting that the printer assumes unless you provide other instruction. Also called factorydefault.ditheringA method by which color dots are combined on a page to produce a wide spectrum ofcolors.dpi (dots per inch)A unit of measurement for indicating printer resolution. The standard resolution for thisprinter is 360 dpi in the HQ mode. In the smoothing mode, resolution up to 720 x 360 dpican be achieved.fixed pitch spacingEqual spacing for each characters of the same character set. In printing a fixed pitch font,each character, whether narrow or wide, takes up the same amount of space. For example,an “i” takes as much space as a “w”.BJC-55.book Page 462 Tuesday, August 15, 2000 2:08 AM