Certificate signature algorithm RSA: SHA-256, SHA-384*2, SHA-512*2ECDSA: SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512*1 Requirements for the certificate contained in a key are pursuant to CA certificates.*2 SHA384-RSA and SHA512-RSA are available only when the RSA key length is 1024 bits or more.● The machine does not support use of a certificate revocation list (CRL).Definition of "Weak Encryption"When [Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption] in [Encryption Settings] is set to [On], the use of the following algorithms isprohibited. [Encryption Settings](P. 456)Hash MD4, MD5, SHA-1HMAC HMAC-MD5Common key encryption RC2, RC4, DESPublic key encryption RSA encryption (512 bits/1024 bits)RSA signature (512 bits/1024 bits)DSA (512 bits/1024 bits)DH (512 bits/1024 bits)● Even when [Prohibit Key/Cert. with Weak Encryption] in [Encryption Settings] is set to [On], the hashalgorithm SHA-1, which is used for signing a root certificate, can be used.TLSThe following combinations of the TLS version and algorithm are usable:: Usable : Not usableAlgorithm TLS VersionTLS 1.3 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.0Encryption AlgorithmAES-CBC (256bit)About the Machine33