56EUsing the FullRange of FeaturesUse this program in places where thebackground is so bright that the subject appearsunderexposed in the display — a sunny beach orski resort, for example. You may notice someshudder when recording moving subjects.Sand & SnowSpotlightThis program is designed for recording spotlitscenes, such as on a stage. The exposure isautomatically adjusted for glare-free recordingsof subjects lit by a concentrated light source.Low LightThis program allows you to record in dimly litplaces. It is generally best used for close-ups ofslow or stationary subjects, as moving subjectsmay leave a trailing after-image. However, youcan take advantage of this to create specialeffects, by rapid zooming or by panning alongwith a moving subject. Picture quality will notbe as good as in normal lighting conditions, andautofocus may not work as well as usual.SAND&SNOWSPOTLIGHTLOW LIGHT