8-24 C50 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager Chapter 8❏ Attention NeededThis status indicates the C50 needs your attention for situations suchas the C50 being out of paper. The Status Monitor window describesthe nature of the attention required.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.❏ Error WarningThis status indicates the C50 has a problem that needs your moreimmediate attention, such as when the Status Monitor can no longerdetect the C50. The Status Monitor window displays the nature of theproblem, with a comment indicating a corrective action.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.Closing the MultiPASS BackgroundThe MultiPASS Background is a utility that monitors and controls activitybetween your computer and your C50, including:❏ Input and output (such as sent and received faxes) to and from theDesktop Manager❏ Output (print and PC fax activity) from Windows applications.When you installed the Desktop Manager, the MultiPASS Backgroundwas placed in the Windows StartUp group and is automatically openedwhen you open Windows.If you decide you need to disconnect the C50 from the designated portand/or attach another device to the port, you should close the MultiPASSBackground first. If you close the MultiPASS Background first, you avoidreceiving error messages when the MultiPASS Background detects it canno longer communicate with the C50.