Chapter 7 Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager 7-21Highlighting Your DocumentYou can add a color highlight to the text or other images in yourdocument. You select a color and draw a rectangular highlight over thedesired area. All highlight colors are transparent and display as the coloryou selected. When you print the document, the highlighted regionprints as gray shadings.To highlight your document:1. On the annotation panel, click the Hilite tool.2. Select the color of the highlighting.3. At the desired location on the displayed page, drag the cursor todraw the highlight region. A dotted line displays to show you wherethe highlight region will be placed. When you release the mousebutton, the highlight is created.Creating a Drawing GraphicYou can annotate your document with one or more drawing objectsthat include a straight line, single- and double-headed arrow, hollowrectangle, and a hollow circle or ellipse. When you draw the object, youcan select the color and width of the line for the object.To create a drawing object:1. On the annotation panel, click the drawing object tool: Arrow/Line,Rectangle, or Circle.Documents inDesktop ManagerANNOTATION PANEL FORAN ARROW OR LINEANNOTATION PANEL FOR ARECTANGLE OR CIRCLEHILITE TOOL