8-16 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager Chapter 8Status MessagesThe Status Monitor reports the following statuses for theMultiPASS C5000.m IdleThe MultiPASS C5000 is currently inactive.m ScanningThe MultiPASS C5000 is scanning an image. The Status Monitorwindow displays the number of the page currently being scanned.m PrintingThe MultiPASS C5000 is printing a document. The Status Monitorwindow displays the number of the page currently being printed.m Sending FaxThe MultiPASS C5000 is sending a fax document. The StatusMonitor window displays the number of the page currently beingfaxed.m Receiving FaxThe MultiPASS C5000 is receiving a fax document. The StatusMonitor window displays the fax number or name of the sender (ifavailable), and the number of the page currently being received.m Attention NeededThe MultiPASS C5000 needs your attention for situations such asbeing out of paper. The Status Monitor window describes the natureof the attention required.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.m Error WarningThe MultiPASS C5000 has a problem that needs your immediateattention, such as when the Status Monitor can no longer detect theMultiPASS C5000. The Status Monitor window displays the natureof the problem, with a comment indicating a corrective action.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.