Glossary G-3GlossarydB(A)Stands for decibel level (a decibel being a unit of measurement for theintensity of the sound coming from the unit), adjusted for backgroundnoise.Dialing methodsWays of pressing one or more buttons to access a number to connect toan outside party or fax machine. Dialing methods include one-touchspeed dialing, coded speed dialing, group dialing, and manual (regular)dialing.DitheringA method by which color dots are combined on a page to produce awide spectrum of colors.DocumentThe sheet of paper containing the data that you send to or receive froma fax.dpiDots per inch. A unit of measurement for indicating a printer’sresolution.DRPDDistinctive Ring Pattern Detection. Allows you to assign up to fivedifferent ring patterns to distinguish voice and fax calls using yourtelephone company’s special services.ECMError Correction Mode. The ability of your MultiPASS to reduce systemand line errors when sending or receiving from another fax with ECMcapability. ECM is most effective in areas where the telephone lines arein poor condition or there is frequent interference on the line.FAX/TEL switchingThe ability of the MultiPASS to automatically detect whether a call isfrom a fax or telephone. With this feature, one telephone line can beshared by both the telephone and the fax.FINEThe fax setting for documents with very small characters and lines.