Using the MultiPASS ToolbarOpening the toolbar provides direct access to the MultiPASS features. Once thetoolbar is open, you can access the desired feature directly.To access the toolbar:Click the CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS TToooollbbaarr icon on your desktop , orGo to SSttaarrtt, then PPrrooggrraammss. Select CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS SSuuiittee 44..00, then CCaannoonnMMuullttiiPPAASSSS TToooollbbaarr..Modifying Toolbar SettingsToolbar Settings define the settings used for scan operations started from theMultiPASS toolbar. Before using the MultiPASS Toolbar, set up each optionusing Toolbar Settings.You can set a custom image type, resolution (image quality) and paper size foreach scan operation. For scan operations that open other applications (such asSSccaann PPhhoottoo), you can select the application to open.You can also set up to three custom scan operations with the CCuussttoomm11,CCuussttoomm22 and CCuussttoomm33 tabs. Custom operations only show on the toolbar ifthey’ve been set up to do so.To change Toolbar Settings:1 Select option to be modifiedClick on the MultiPASS Toolbar,then select the tab for the setting youwant to modify,orRight-click the toolbar icon to open thatsetting’s tab directly.2 Define settings for operationType the desired modifications for eachoperation, referring to the online helpas needed.6F50 User’s ManualF50 Chapter 2.qxd 06/01/2001 4:08 PM Page 6