Cancelling a FaxYou can cancel current incoming or outgoing faxes.To cancel an outgoing fax while a document is scanning:Press to cancel the fax and eject the document. An Error TX Report willautomatically print.To cancel a fax after a document has been scanned or to cancel anincoming fax:Press to cancel. A prompt will display on the LCD panel asking you toconfirm cancellation. Press to confirm or to cancel. An Error TX Report willautomatically print.Faxing AutomaticallyThere are several shortcuts for sending faxes to frequently used numbers.OOnnee--TToouucchh SSppeeeedd DDiiaalliinnggCCooddeedd SSppeeeedd DDiiaalliinnggGGrroouupp DDiiaalliinnggYou can also review faxes stored in memory that have been sent, will be sent, orhave been received.One-Touch Speed DialingYou can enter up to 12 fax numbers for quick number retrieval.Before One-Touch Speed Dialing can be used, a number must be entered andassigned to a speed-dial button.You can print a list of numbers entered for One-Touch Speed Dialing at any time.For procedures, see “Printing Reports on Demand” on page 21.To program a one-touch fax number:1 Access 1-TOUCH SPD DIALPress to enter fax mode.FaxStop/ResetStop/ResetF50 User’s Manual24F50 Chapter 4.qxd 06/01/2001 4:08 PM Page 24