Introduction7How to Use the ToolbarWhen one tab is complete, select the nexttab and continue.Click OOKK to save the new settings and exit thedialog.To set up MultiPASS Fax in your e-mailapplication:1 Configure email serverClick SSttaarrtt, then CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell, then double-click the MMaaiill icon. A dialog box will open.2 Add new profileClick SSeerrvviicceess, then AAdddd.3 Select CanonIn the AAdddd SSeerrvviiccee ttoo PPrrooffiillee dialog box, thenCCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FFaaxx, then OOKK.For detailed instructions on setting up an e-mail profile, see your Windowsdocumentation.Working with Saved MultiPASS FilesWhen a document is scanned with the Scan to Save option or is saved fromwithin MultiPASS for any other reason, it is saved in the My MultiPASS folders.From these folders, a saved document can beviewed, edited, sent as a fax or email attachment,or printed.Accessing Saved MultiPASS FilesWhen you access files saved through MultiPASS,the Exploring My MultiPASS window will open.Folders are pre-set:OOuuttbbooxx for faxes not successfully sent orscheduled for later transmission.Tips for ModifyingToolbar SettingsFor Scan Photo, click Set tospecify the application to openafter scanning with thisMultiPASS Toolbar option.Consult your image processingdocumentation for the program toselect.If you want to use OCR (an opticalcharacter reader that convertsscanned text into a wordprocessing format), access theScan Text tab. Click Set to selectthe OmniPage OCR software thatcomes with the MultiPASS, orselect another OCR softwareapplication.Tips for Using FilesSaved in theMultiPASS SuiteFiles saved from applications thatcan print to the F50 can be faxed,printed or emailed. Files fromother applications cannot befaxed or printed, and can only besent with an email as anattachment.F50 Chapter 2.qxd 06/01/2001 4:08 PM Page 7