152According to the setting item, you can specify parameters using modifier “% characters”.Note• A runtime error will occur if the specified name does not match.• If this modifier is not defined, “%” will be deleted.ModifiersModifiers Meaning Description of character string entered%n Reason for capture (number) 0 (test) | 1 (External device input) | 33 (Timer 1) | 34 (Timer 2) | 35 (Timer 3) | 36 (Timer 4) |145 (Volume detection) | 161 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 1) |162 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 2) | 163 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 3) |164 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 4) | 165 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 5) |166 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 6) | 167 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 7) |168 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 8) | 169 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 9) |170 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 10) | 171 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 11) |172 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 12) | 173 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 13) |174 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 14) | 175 (Intelligent Function Detection Setting 15)%N Reason for capture(character string) | NULL (blank entry or timer event test)%X Width of video Number of pixels in horizontal direction%Y Height of video Number of pixels in vertical direction%C Camera number 1%D Camera name Setting for [Camera Name (alphanumeric characters)]%P Pan position -174.99 – 175.00 0%T Tilt position -90.00 – 0.00 0%Z Zoom position 0.01 – 300.00 0%V Camera server VB-S30D/VB-S31D/VB-S800D/VB-S900F/VB-S805D/VB-S905F%y Year of capture time 2001 – 2031%m Month of capture time 01 – 12%d Day of capture time 01 – 31%w Day of week of capture time 0 – 6 (Sunday to Saturday)%H Hours of capture time 00 – 23%M Minutes of capture time 00 – 59%S Seconds of capture time 00 – 59%s Milliseconds of capture time 000 – 999%z Time zone of capture time -1200 – +1300%a Weekday name of capturetimeSun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat%b Month name of capture time Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec%h Host Name