Chapter 22-26Cleaning operation timings are as follows.Printer status Cleaning operation Consumption(typ.)*1Standby 168 hours elapsed capped Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gAt least 720 to 960 hours elapsed since the last session of Cleaning 2, 3, 6 or 10 (480 hours afterinitial installation)Cleaning 6 (Normal(strong) Cleaning)5gAt initial installation and 96 hours elapsed since the last session of Cleaning 16 Cleaning 16(Precipitated inkagitation)-1 hour elapsed capped with a specified number of dots discharged per chip completed after lastwipingWiping + Idle ejection 0.013gPower-on At initial installation Cleaning 3 (initial fillingink)40gBoth heads and inksavailableThe print operation has completed. 168 to 720 hours elapsed capped Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gAt least 720 to 960 hours elapsedsince the last session of Cleaning 2,3, 6 or 10 (360 to 480 hours afterinitial installation)Cleaning 6 (Normal(strong) Cleaning)5gAt least 960 to 2160 hours elapsedsince the last session of Cleaning 2,3, 6 or 10 (480 hours after initialinstallation)Cleaning 2 (Ink leveladjustment andcleaning)10gAt least 96 hours elapsed since thelast session of Cleaning 16Cleaning 16(Precipitated inkagitation)-At least 1 hour elapsed capped witha specified number of dotsdischarged per chip completed afterlast wipingWiping + Idle ejection 0.013gPrint operation aborted (uncapped)and CR error occurringUp to 72 hours elapsed after anabortCleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gOver 72 hours elapsed after an abort Cleaning 6 (Normal(strong) Cleaning)5gPrint operation aborted (uncapped) and no CR error occurring Cleaning 11 (ink fillingafter head replacement)10gNo heads are available Cleaning 10 (ink fillingon secondary transport)40gPower off Specified number of dots discharged per chip completed since the last session of wiping Wiping + Idle ejection 0.013gBefore thestart ofprintingLess than 168 hours elapsed capped Idle ejection 0.013gAt least 168 hours elapsed capped Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gBefore printing in the wake of an error occurrence Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gPrinting Before scanning while printing Idle ejection (+Wiping) - (0.013g)After the endof printingA specified number of dots (color) discharged per chip since the last session of Cleaning 2, 3, 6 or 1 Cleaning 6 (Normal(strong) Cleaning)5gA specified number of dots discharged per chip after the last session of wiping Wiping + Idle ejection 0.013g3 minutes elapsed since the last session of capping Wiping + Idle ejection 0.013gTotal 2 hours elapsed uncapped since the last session of Cleaning 1, 2, 3, 6 or 10 Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gWhen theHeadCleaningmenu choiceis executedManual Cleaning (Head Cleaning A) Cleaning 1 (NormalCleaning)1gManual cleaning (Head cleaning B) Cleaning 6 (Normal(strong) Cleaning)5gWhen theReplace PrintHead menuchoice isexecutedAfter head replacement Cleaning 2 (ink leveladjustment andcleaning) + Cleaning 4(ink drainage for headreplacement)10gWhen theMove Printermenu choiceis executedAfter the Move Printer menu choice is executed Cleaning 5 (ink drainagefor secondary transport)10gAfter power-on at secondary installation After power-on atsecondary installation15g*1: Quantities of ink consumption by nozzle train