Chapter 11-45[Job Management]T-1-22Setting Item Description, Instructions[Print Job] [Job List] (Choose a printjob)[Delete] Delete the current job or queued jobs.[Preempt Jobs] Print the job first after the current print job isfinished printing.[Stored Job] [Mailbox List] (Enter a passwordif one has beenset.)[Job List]-[Print] Prints a saved job.[Job List]-[Delete] Deletes a saved job.[Job List]-[Print] Prints a list of saved jobs.[Job Log] (Choose frominformation aboutthe latest threeprint jobs.)[Document Name] Displays the name of the document in the mostrecently printed job.[User Name] Displays the name of the user who has transmittedthe job.[Page Count] Displays the number of sheets of the job.[Job Status] Displays the result of processing of the job.[Print Start Time] Displays the time at which the job started printing.[Print End Time] Displays the time at which the job finishedprinting.[Print Time] Displays the time spent printing the job.[Print Size] Displays the size of the paper used for printing thejob.[Media Type] Displays the type of the paper used for printing thejob.[Interface] Displays the interface of the job.[Ink Consumed] Displays the amount of ink consumed for printingthe job.[HDDInformation][HDDSpace] Displays the size of free hard disk space on theprinter.