Setting Item Description, InstructionsAdjustPrinterCalibra-tion Use Adj. Value Choose Disabled > OK if you prefer not to apply the color cali-bration adjustment value in print jobs. However, printer driversettings are given priority.Choose Enabled > OK to apply the color calibration adjust-ment value in print jobs. However, printer driver settings aregiven priority.Set Exec. Guide If you select On, a message is displayed on the control panelat the timing recommended for executing color calibration.Return Defaults Clear the color calibration adjustment value and the executionlog.Mainte-nanceHead Cleaning Clean the Printhead. (See "Cleaning the Printhead.")→ P.921Choose Head Cleaning A if printing is faint, oddly colored, orcontains foreign substances.Choose Head Cleaning B if no ink is printed at all, or if printingis not improved by Head Cleaning A.Nozzle Check Print a test pattern to check the nozzles.Replace P.head Execute when replacing the Printhead. Follow the instructionsdisplayed to complete the required procedure. (See "Replacingthe Printhead.") → P.922Not displayed during a warning message that the remainingMaintenance Cartridge capacity is low.Repl. maint cart Execute when replacing the Maintenance Cartridge. Follow theinstructions displayed to complete the required procedure.(See "Replacing the Maintenance Cartridge.") → P.934Head In-foPrinthead L Indicates information about the printhead.Printhead RRepl. S. Cleaner Replace the Shaft Cleaner. Follow the instructions displayed tocomplete the required procedure. (See "Replacing the Mainte-nance Cartridge.") → P.934Change Cutter Replace the Cutter Unit. Follow the instructions displayed tocomplete the required procedure. (See "Replacing the CutterUnit.") → P.930Once you replace the Cutter Unit, you can also reset the cutcounter.InterfaceSetupEOP Timer Specify the timeout period before cancellation of print jobs thatcannot be received by the printer.TCP/IP IPv4 IPv4 Mode Choose whether the printer IP address is configured automati-cally or a static IP address is entered manually.Protocol DHCP Specify the protocol used to configure the IP address automati-cally.BOOTPRARPIPv4 Set-tingsIP Address Specify the printer network information when using a static IPaddress.Enter the IP address assigned to the printer, as well as the net-work subnet mask and default gateway.The value that was automatically configured is displayed if youhave set IPv4 Mode to Automatic.Subnet MaskDefault G/WDNS Set-tingsDNS Dync update Specify whether DNS server registration is updated automati-cally.Pri. DNS SrvAddr Specify the DNS server address.Menu Settings iPF8400User's GuideControl Panel Printer Menu678