Specifying Paper in the Printer DriverSpecifying Paper in the Printer DriverIf you have replaced the paper, you must complete the following settings in the printer driver.Important• Always specify the same type and size of paper in the printer menu and printer driver.1 Choose Print in the application menu.2 Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the Print-er Driver Dialog Box from Applications .") ➔P.1483 Make sure the Main sheet is displayed.4 In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded.Note• Click the B Get Information button to display the Paper Information on Printer dialog box. On the Pa-per Information on Printer dialog box, you can obtain information on the paper in the printer and config-ure printer driver settings for the feed source and type of paper.This function requires that the Status Monitor be installed.5 Click the Page Setup tab to display the Page Setupsheet.6 In the A Page Size list, select the size of the original as specified in the application.7 In the L Paper Source list, select how paper is supplied.8 If you have selected roll paper in L Paper Source, select the width of the loaded roll in M Roll PaperWidth.Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver iPF785User's GuideWindows Software Printer Driver144