98 6H4866-02Tray Assembly Replacement for non Auto-loop SystemsThis procedure describes how to replace the Tray Assembly on systems that don’t have Auto-loop mechanisms.How to Identify Auto-loop vs. non Auto-loop SystemsPoint-of-Care 120/140 Systems that have been adapted for Auto-loop can be identified by the sensor hole to the rightof the flange at the top of the Key Assembly as shown in the figure below.Auto-loop adaptation identificationIf you are not sure what configuration your scanner has, send the serial number of the scanner in subject toCarestream service to verify. The system’s serial number appears on the back of the cover.System Serial NumberTools Required• Phillips screwdriver• Allen metric tools: 2.5, 3.0, 4.0• Flat screwdriver 2.5 x 75 mm• Small cutter• Tie wraps 2.5 x 100 mm