15All units must have an external trap for condensatedrainage. Install a trap at least 4-in. (102 mm) deep andprotect against freeze-up. If drain line is installeddownstream from the external trap, pitch the line away fromthe unit at 1-in. per 10 ft (25 mm in 3 m) of run. Do not usea pipe size smaller than the unit connection ( 3/4 -in.).Step 11 — Make Electrical ConnectionsELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death.Do not use gas piping as an electrical ground. Unitcabinet must have an uninterrupted, unbrokenelectrical ground to minimize the possibility ofpersonal injury if an electrical fault should occur. Thisground may consist of electrical wire connected tounit ground lug in control compartment, or conduitapproved for electrical ground when installed inaccordance with NEC (National Electrical Code);ANSI/NFPA 70, latest edition (in Canada, CanadianElectrical Code CSA [Canadian StandardsAssociation] C22.1), and local electrical codes.! WARNINGNOTE: Check all factory and field electrical connectionsfor tightness. Field--supplied wiring shall conform withthe limitations of minimum 63_F (33_C) rise.Field Power Supply —If equipped with optional powered convenience outlet:The power source leads to the convenience outlet’stransformer primary are not factory connected. Installermust connect these leads according to required operationof the convenience outlet. If an always--energizedconvenience outlet operation is desired, connect thesource leads to the line side of the unit--mounteddisconnect. (Check with local codes to ensure this methodis acceptable in your area.) If a de--energize via unitdisconnect switch operation of the convenience outlet isdesired, connect the source leads to the load side of theunit disconnect. On a unit without a unit--mounteddisconnect, connect the source leads to compressorcontactor C and indoor fan contactor IFC pressure lugswith unit field power leads.Refer to Fig. 26 for power transformer connections and thediscussion on connecting the convenience outlet on page 18.Field power wires are connected to the unit at line--sidepressure lugs on compressor contactor C and indoor fancontactor IFC (see wiring diagram label for control boxcomponent arrangement) or at factory--installed optionnon--fused disconnect switch. Maximum wire size is #2AWG (copper only). See Fig. 18 and unit label diagramfor field power wiring connections.NOTE: TEST LEADS -- Unit may be equipped withshort leads (pigtails) on the field line connection points oncontactor C or optional disconnect switch. These leads arefor factory run--test purposes only; remove and discardbefore connecting field power wires to unit connectionpoints. Make field power connections directly to lineconnection pressure lugs only.Units Without Non-Fused Disconnect OptionUnits With Non-Fused Disconnect Option246135L1L2L3OptionalDisconnectSwitchDisconnect factory test leads; discard.FactoryWiring11 13 13L1 L2 L3TBCIFC(3 PhaseIndoor Motor)(1 Phase Indoor Motorand 1 Phase Unit)208/230-1-60208/230-3-60460-3-60575-3-60DisconnectperNECC14264Fig. 18 -- Power Wiring Connections! WARNINGFIRE HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result inintermittent operation or performance satisfaction.Do not connect aluminum wire between disconnectswitch and 50TCQ unit. Use only copper wire.(See Fig. 19.)COPPERWIRE ONLYELECTRICDISCONNECTSWITCHALUMINUMWIREA93033Fig. 19 -- Disconnect Switch and Unit