48Power Exhaust (output) —Connect the accessory Power Exhaust contactor coil(s) perFig. 61.J8-315CTB1 PLPEC TANGRAPower ExhaustCTBTHERMOSTATC08120Fig. 61 -- PremierLinkt Controller Power ExhaustOutput ConnectionCCN Communication Bus —The PremierLink controller connects to the bus in a daisychain arrangement. Negative pins on each componentmust be connected to respective negative pins, andlikewise, positive pins on each component must beconnected to respective positive pins. The controllersignal pins must be wired to the signal ground pins.Wiring connections for CCN must be made at the 3--pinplug.At any baud (9600, 19200, 38400 baud), the number ofcontrollers is limited to 239 devices maximum. Bus lengthmay not exceed 4000 ft, with no more than 60 totaldevices on any 1000--ft section. Optically isolated RS--485repeaters are required every 1000 ft.NOTE: Carrier device default is 9600 band.Communications Bus Wire Specifications: The CCNCommunication Bus wiring is field--supplied andfield--installed. It consists of shielded 3--conductor cablewith drain (ground) wire. The cable selected must beidentical to the CCN Communication Bus wire used forthe entire network.See Table 26 for recommended cables.Table 26 – Recommended CablesMANUFACTURER CABLE PART NO.Alpha 2413 or 5463American A22503Belden 8772Columbia 02525NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be at least 20AWG, stranded, and tinned copper. Individual conductorsmust be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Teflon*, orpolyethylene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield andan outer jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, or Teflonwith a minimum operating temperature range of --20_C to60_C is required. Do not run communication wire in thesame conduit as or next to any AC voltage wiring.The communication bus shields must be tied together ateach system element. If the communication bus is entirelywithin one building, the resulting continuous shield mustbe connected to ground at only one single point. If thecommunication bus cable exits from one building andenters another building, the shields must be connected tothe grounds at a lightning suppressor in each building (onepoint only).Connecting CCN bus:NOTE: When connecting the communication bus cable,a color code system for the entire network isrecommended to simplify installation and checkout. SeeTable 27 for the recommended color code.Table 27 – Color Code RecommendationsSIGNAL TYPE CCN BUS WIRECOLORCCN PLUG PINNUMBER+ Red 1Ground White 2--- Black 3Connect the CCN (+) lead (typically RED) to the unit’sTB1--12 terminal. Connect the CCN (ground) lead(typically WHT) to the unit’s TB1--14 terminal. Connectthe CCN (--) lead (typically BLK) to the unit’s TB1--16terminal. See Fig. 62.CCN BusJ2-1J2-2GND (WHT)1214TB1J2-3– (BLK) 16TB1TB1 PL+ (RED)C08276Fig. 62 -- PremierLink Controller CCN BusConnections* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont.