19NOTE: Unit powered convenience outlets are notavailable as factory installed options for size 04--06 singlephase (--3 voltage code) models.ConvenienceOutletGFCIPwd-COFuseSwitchPwd-COTransformerControl BoxAccess PanelC08128Fig. 24 -- Convenience Outlet LocationInstalling Weatherproof Cover: A weatherproofwhile-in-use cover for the factory-installed convenienceoutlets is now required by UL standards. This covercannot be factory-mounted due its depth; it must beinstalled at unit installation. For shipment, theconvenience outlet is covered with a blank cover plate.The weatherproof cover kit is shipped in the unit’s controlbox. The kit includes the hinged cover, a backing plateand gasket.DISCONNECT ALL POWER TO UNIT ANDCONVENIENCE OUTLET. LOCK--OUT AND TAG--OUTALL POWER.Remove the blank cover plate at the convenience outlet;discard the blank cover.Loosen the two screws at the GFCI duplex outlet, untilapproximately 1 / 2 -in. (13 mm) under screw heads areexposed. Press the gasket over the screw heads. Slip thebacking plate over the screw heads at the keyhole slotsand align with the gasket; tighten the two screws untilsnug (do not over-tighten).Mount the weatherproof cover to the backing plate asshown in Fig. 25. Remove two slot fillers in the bottom ofthe cover to permit service tool cords to exit the cover.Check for full closing and latching.Non--powered type: This type requires the fieldinstallation of a general--purpose 125--volt 15--A circuitpowered from a source elsewhere in the building. Observenational and local codes when selecting wire size, fuse orbreaker requirements and disconnect switch size andlocation. Route 125--v power supply conductors into thebottom of the utility box containing the duplex receptacle.Unit--powered type: A unit--mounted transformer isfactory--installed to stepdown the main power supplyvoltage to the unit to 115--v at the duplex receptacle. Thisoption also includes a manual switch with fuse, located ina utility box and mounted on a bracket behind theconvenience outlet; access is through the unit’s controlbox access panel. See Fig. 24.The primary leads to the convenience outlet transformer arenot factory--connected. Selection of primary power source isa customer--option. If local codes permit, the transformerprimary leads can be connected at the line--side terminals onthe unit--mounted non--fused disconnect switch; this willprovide service power to the unit when the unit disconnectswitch is open. Other connection methods will result in theconvenience outlet circuit being de--energized when the unitdisconnect switch is open. See Fig. 26.RECEPTACLENOT INCLUDEDCOVER – WHILE-IN-USEWEATHERPROOFBASE PLATE FORGFCI RECEPTACLEC09022Fig. 25 -- Weatherproof Cover InstallationC08283UNITVOLTAGECONNECTASPRIMARYCONNECTIONSTRANSFORMERTERMINALS208,230 240 L1: RED +YELL2: BLU + GRAH1 + H3H2 + H4460 480L1: REDSplice BLU + YELL2: GRAH1H2 + H3H4575 600 L1: REDL2: GRAH1H2Fig. 26 -- Powered Convenience Outlet WiringUsing unit--mounted convenience outlets: Units withunit--mounted convenience outlet circuits will oftenrequire that two disconnects be opened to de--energize allpower to the unit. Treat all units as electrically energizeduntil the convenience outlet power is also checked and