53SENCOMJ4-2J4-3IAQ Sensor24 VACC08462Fig. 68 -- RTU Open Controller / Indoor CO 2 Sensor(33ZCSENCO2) ConnectionsOutdoor Air Quality Sensor(P/N 33ZCSENCO2 plus weatherproof enclosure) —The outdoor air CO2 sensor is designed to monitor carbondioxide (CO2 ) levels in the outside ventilation air andinterface with the ventilation damper in an HVAC system.The OAQ sensor is packaged with an outdoor cover. SeeFig. 56. The outdoor air CO2 sensor must be located in theeconomizer outside air hood.Wiring the Outdoor Air CO 2 Sensor: A dedicatedpower supply is required for this sensor. A two--wire cableis required to wire the dedicated power supply for thesensor. The two wires should be connected to the powersupply and terminals 1 and 2.To connect the sensor to the control, identify the positive(4 to 20 mA) and ground (SIG COM) terminals on theOAQ sensor. See Fig. 54. Connect the 4 to 20 mAterminal to the RTU Open controller at J4--5. Connect theSIG COM terminal to the RTU Open controller at J4--6.SENCOMJ4-5J4-6OAQ Sensor24 VACC11086Fig. 69 -- RTU Open Controller / Outdoor CO 2 Sensor(33ZCSENCO2) ConnectionsSpace Relative Humidity Sensor—The Space Relative Humidity Sensor is not used with50TCQ units at this time.Smoke Detector/Fire Shutdown (FSD) —On 50TCQ units equipped with factory--installed SmokeDetector(s), the smoke detector controller implements theunit shutdown through its NC contact set connected to theunit’s CTB input. The FSD function is initiated via thesmoke detector’s Alarm NO contact set. The RTU Opencontroller communicates the smoke detector’s trippedstatus to the BAS building control. See Fig. 64 (RTUOpen System Control wiring diagram).The Fire Shutdown Switch configuration,MENUConfigInputsinput 5, identifies the normallyopen status of this input when there is no fire alarm.Connecting Discrete Inputs —Filter Status: The filter status accessory is a field--installedaccessory. This accessory detects plugged filters. Wheninstalling this accessory, the unit must be configured forfilter status by setting MENU Config Inputs input3, 5, 8, or 9 to Filter Status and normally open (N/O) ornormally closed (N/C). Input 8 or 9 is recommended forease of installation. Refer to Fig. 63 and 64 for wireterminations at J5.Fan Status: The fan status accessory is a field--installedaccessory. This accessory detects when the indoor fan isblowing air. When installing this accessory, the unitmust be configured for fan status by settingMENU Config Inputs input 3, 5, 8, or 9 to FanStatus and normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C).Input 8 or 9 is recommended for easy of installation. Referto Fig. 63 and Fig. 64 for wire terminations at J5.Remote Occupancy: The remote occupancy accessory isa field--installed accessory. This accessory overrides theunoccupied mode and puts the unit in occupied mode.When installing this accessory, the unit must beconfigured for remote occupancy by settingMENU Config Inputs input 3, 5, 8, or 9 to RemoteOccupancy and normally open (N/O) or normally closed(N/C).Also set MENUSchedulesoccupancy source to DIon/off. Input 8 or 9 is recommended for easy ofinstallation. Refer to Fig. 63 and Table 28 for wireterminations at J5.Power Exhaust (output): The relay used by the RTUOpen controller board to control power exhaust is a drycontact which means it does not have 24 vac. This 24 vacmust be connected to the relay to allow it to operate thepower exhaust relay in the PE accessory. A 24 vac sourcemust be provided to J11--2 on the RTU Open controlboard. This can be provided by the unit’s transformer fromvarious sources. The “R” terminal on the unit’s centralterminal board (CTB) is a logical source. Refer to Fig. 63and Fig. 64 for wire terminations at J11.Communication Wiring -- ProtocolsGeneral —Protocols are the communication languages spoken bycontrol devices. The main purpose of a protocol is tocommunicate information in the most efficient methodpossible. Different protocols exist to provide differentkinds of information for different applications. In the BASapplication, many different protocols are used, dependingon manufacturer. Protocols do not change the function ofa controller; just make the front end user different.The RTU Open controller can be set to communicate onfour different protocols: BACnet, Modbus, N2, andLonWorks. Switch 3 (SW3) on the board is used to setprotocol and baud rate. Switches 1 and 2 (SW1 and SW2)are used to set the board’s network address. See Fig. 70and 71 for protocol switch settings and address switches.