56Outdoor Air Enthalpy Control(P/N 33CSENTHSW)The enthalpy control (33CSENTHSW) is available as afield--installed accessory to be used with the EconoMi$er2damper system. The outdoor air enthalpy sensor is part ofthe enthalpy control. (The separate field--installedaccessory return air enthalpy sensor (33CSENTSEN) isrequired for differential enthalpy control. See Fig. 74.)Locate the enthalpy control in the economizer next to theActuator Motor. Locate two GRA leads in the factoryharness and connect the gray lead labeled “ESL” to theterminal labeled “LOW”. See Fig. 74. Connect the enthalpycontrol power input terminals to economizer actuator powerleads RED (connect to 24V) and BLK (connect to GND).7 CTB ECON(P’LINK: to J4-2) or(RTU Open: to J2-6)LOWGND24VEnthalpySwitchGRABLKREDFactory Wiring HarnessPL6-1 (24-V)PL6-4 (COM)C11160Fig. 74 -- Enthalpy Switch (33CSENTHSW) ConnectionsThe outdoor enthalpy changeover setpoint is set at theenthalpy controller.Differential Enthalpy Control —Differential enthalpy control is provided by sensing andcomparing the outside air and return air enthalpyconditions. Install the outdoor air enthalpy control asdescribed above. Add and install a return air enthalpysensor.Return Air Enthalpy Sensor —Mount the return--air enthalpy sensor (33CSENTSEN) inthe return--air section of the economizer. The return airsensor is wired to the enthalpy controller(33CSENTHSW). See Fig. 75.GRABLKRED– 4-20Main+ VDCOut– 4-20 MainOut+ 24-36VDC InLOWGND24V7PL6-1 (24-V)PL6-4 (COM)Outside AirEnthalpy SwitchReturn AirEnthalpySensorCTB ECON(P’LINK: to J4-2) or(RTU Open: to J2-6)C11161Fig. 75 -- Outside and Return Air Enthalpy SensorWiringSmoke DetectorsSmoke detectors are available as factory--installed options on50TCQ models. Smoke detectors may be specified forsupply air only or for return air without or with economizeror in combination of supply air and return air. Allcomponents necessary for operation are factory--providedand mounted. The unit is factory--configured for immediatesmoke detector shutdown operation; additional wiring ormodifications to unit terminal board may be necessary tocomplete the unit and smoke detector configuration to meetproject requirements.Units equipped with factory--optional return air smokedetectors require a relocation of the sensor module at unitinstallation. See Fig. 76 for the as shipped location.Return AirSmoke Detector(as shipped)C12282Fig. 76 -- Return Air Smoke Detector, Shipping PositionCompleting Installation of Return Air Smoke Sensor:1. Unscrew the two screws holding the Return AirSmoke Detector assembly. See Fig. 77, Step 1. Savethe screws.2. Turn the assembly 90 degrees and then rotate end toend. Make sure that the elbow fitting is pointingdown. See Fig. 77, Step 2.3. Screw the sensor and detector plate into its operatingposition using screws from Step 1. See Fig. 77, Step 3.4. Connect the flexible tube on the sampling inlet to thesampling tube on the basepan.Additional Application Data —Refer to the Application Data sheet titled Factory InstalledSmoke Detectors for Small and Medium Rooftop Units 2 to25 Tons for discussions on additional control features ofthese smoke detectors including multiple unit coordination.