2772-Sample F Test tests the hypothesis that there will be no change in the result fora population when a result of a sample is composed of multiple factors and one ormore of the factors is removed. It could be used, for example, to test the carcino-genic effects of multiple suspected factors such as tobacco use, alcohol, vitamindeficiency, high coffee intake, inactivity, poor living habits, etc.ANOVA tests the hypothesis that the population means of the samples are equalwhen there are multiple samples. It could be used, for example, to test whether ornot different combinations of materials have an effect on the quality and life of afinal product.The following pages explain various statistical calculation methods based on theprinciples described above. Details concerning statistical principles andterminology can be found in any standard statistics textbook.While the statistical data list is on the display, press 3 (TEST) to display the testmenu, which contains the following items.• {Z }/{t }/{CHI}/{ F} ... { Z}/{t }/{χ 2 }/{F } test• {ANOV} ... {analysis of variance (ANOVA)}About data type specificationFor some types of tests you can select data type using the following menu.• {List}/{Var} ... specifies {list data}/{parameter data}kkkkk Z TestYou can use the following menu to select from different types of Z Test.• {1-S}/{2-S}/{1-P}/{2-P} ... {1-Sample}/{2-Sample}/{1-Prop}/{2-Prop} Z Testuuuuu1-Sample Z TestThis test is used when the sample standard deviation for a population is known totest the hypothesis. The 1-Sample Z Test is applied to the normal distribution.Z = o – 0σμno : sample meanμo : assumed population meanσ : population standard deviationn : sample sizePerform the following key operations from the statistical data list.3(TEST)1(Z)1(1-S)Tests 18 - 6