379Command Reference 20- 11Main RoutineSubroutinesDC E I JProg ”E” Prog ”I” Prog ”J”AProg ”D”Prog ”C”Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 44. Calling up a subroutine causes it to be executed from the beginning. Afterexecution of the subroutine is complete, execution returns to the main routine,continuing from the statement following the Prog command.5. A Goto~Lbl command inside of a subroutine is valid inside of that subroutineonly. It cannot be used to jump to a label outside of the subroutine.6. If a subroutine with the file name specified by the Prog command does notexist, an error occurs.7. In the RUN Mode, inputting the Prog command and pressing w launches theprogram specified by the command.ReturnFunction: This command returns from a subroutine.Syntax: Return _Description:Execution of the Return command inside a main routine causes execution of theprogram to stop.Example: Prog ”A” Prog ”B”1 → A_ For A → B To 10_Prog ”B”_ B + 1 → C_C ^ Next_ReturnExecuting the program in File A displays the result of the operation(11).StopFunction: This command terminates execution of a program.Syntax: Stop _Description:1. This command terminates program execution.2. Execution of this command inside of a loop terminates program executionwithout an error being generated.