34919-8 Day/Date CalculationsYou can calculate the number of days between two dates, or you can determinewhat date comes a specific number of days before or after another date.Press 2 (DAYS) from the initial screen 2 to display the following input screen forday/date calculation.d1 ................... date 1d2 ................... date 2D ..................... number of days• {PRD} ... {calculates number of dates between two dates (d2 – d1)}• {d1+D}/{d1–D} ... Calculates {future date/previous date}• The set up screen can be used to specify either a 365-day or 360-day yearfor financial calculations. Day/date calculations are also performed inaccordance with the current setting for number of days in the year, but thefollowing calculations cannot be performed when the 360-day year is set.Attempting to do so causes an error.(Date) + (Number of Days)(Date) – (Number of Days)• The allowable calculation range is January 1, 1901 to December 31, 2099.The format for inputting a date is: . Two digits must always be input for the day, so a leading zero must be input fordays 1 through 9.Example January 2, 1990b.acbjjaDecember 31, 2099bc.dbcajjExample Calculate the number of days from August 8, 1967 to July 15,1970, using a 365-day year.In the set up screen, specify “365” for Date Mode and then press J.P.7