39420- 13 Using Calculator Functions in ProgramsExecuting this program produces the results shown here.Numeric Table Recursion graphkkkkk Using List Sort Functions in a ProgramP.234 These functions let you sort data in lists into ascending or descending order.• Ascending order1 2SortA (List 1, List 2, List 3)Lists to be sorted (up to six can be specified)1 431J 2 K11• Descending orderSortD (List 1, List 2, List 3)Lists to be sorted (up to six can be specified)kkkkk Using Solve Calculation Function in a ProgramYou can incorporate a solve calculation function into a program.The following is the syntax for using the Solve function in a program.Solve( f(x), n, a, b)Upper limitLower limitInitial estimated valueExample Program1 Solve( 2X2 + 7X – 9, 1, 0, 1) 1 K41• In the function f(x) , only X can be used as a variable in expressions. Othervariables (A through Z, r,θ) are treated as constants, and the value currentlyassigned to that variable is applied during the calculation.• Input of the closing parenthesis, lower limit a and upper limit b can be omitted.• Solutions obtained using Solve may include errors.• Note that you cannot use a Solve, differential, quadratic differential, integration,maximum/minimum value or Σ calculation expression inside of a Solvecalculation term.