37Basic Calculations 2 - 1• Number of decimal place (Fix) and significant digit (Sci) settings normallyremain in effect until you change them or until your change the exponentialdisplay range (Norm) setting. Note also, however, that Sci setting is automati-cally initialized to Norm 1 whenever you enter the Financial Mode.• To change the exponential display range (Norm) setting, press 3 (Norm)while the display format (Display) menu is on the screen. Each time youperform this operation, the range toggles between the following two settings.Norm 1 ........... exponential display for values outside the range of 10–2 to 1010Norm 2 ........... exponential display for values outside the range of 10–9 to 1010Example 100 ÷ 6 = 16.66666666...Condition Operation Display100/6w 16.666666674 decimal places !Zccccccccc1(Fix)5(4)Jw 16.66675 significant digits !Zccccccccc2(Sci)6(g)1(5)Jw 1.6667 E+01Cancels specification !Zccccccccc3(Norm)Jw 16.66666667*1 Displayed values are rounded off to the place you specify.Example 200 ÷ 7 × 14 = 400Condition Operation Display200/7*14w 4003 decimal places !Zccccccccc1(Fix)4(3)Jw 400.000Calculation continuesusing display capacity 200/7w 28.571of 10 digits * Ans × _14w 400.000• If the same calculation is performed using the specified number of digits:200/7w 28.571The value storedinternally is rounded K6(g)off to the number of 4(NUM)4(Rnd)w 28.571decimal places you * Ans × _specify. 14w 399.994P.323* 1*1