436Meaning1 Calculation formula contains anerror.2 Formula in a program containsan error.1 Calculation result exceedscalculation range.2 Calculation is outside the inputrange of a function.3 Illogical operation (division byzero, etc.)4 Poor precision in ∑ calculationresults.5 Poor precision in differentialcalculation results.6 Poor precision in integrationcalculation results.7 Cannot find results of equationcalculations.1 No corresponding Lbl n forGoto n .2 No program stored in programarea Prog ”file name”.• Nesting of subroutines by Prog”file name” exceeds 10 levels.MessageSyn ERRORMa ERRORGo ERRORNe ERRORCountermeasure1 Use d or e to display thepoint where the error wasgenerated and correct it.2 Use d or e to display the pointwhere the error was generatedand then correct the program.1234Check the input numeric valueand correct it.When using memories, checkthat the numeric values storedin memories are correct.5 Try using a smaller value for A x( x increment/decrement).6 Try changing the tolerance “tol”when using Gauss-KronrodRule or the number of divisions“ n ” when using Simpson's Ruleto another value.7 Check the coefficients of theequation.1 Correctly input a Lbl n to corres-pond to the Goto n , or deletethe Goto n if not required.2 Store a program in programarea Prog ”file name”, or deletethe Prog ”file name” if notrequired.• Ensure that Prog ”file name” isnot used to return fromsubroutines to main routine. Ifused, delete any unnecessaryProg ”file name”.• Trace the subroutine jumpdestinations and ensure that nojumps are made back to theoriginal program area. Ensurethat returns are made correctly.Appendix C Error Message Table