370kkkkk DISP (display command menu)Selecting {DISP} from the program menu displays the following function menuitems.u {Stat}/{Grph}/{Dyna} ... {statistical graph}/{graph}/{Dynamic Graph} drawu {F-Tbl} ... {Table & Graph command menu}The following are the items that appear in the above menu.• {Tabl}/{G-Con}/{G-Plt} ... {DispF-Tbl}/{DrawFTG-Con}/{DrawFTG-Plt}commandu {R-Tbl} ... {recursion calculation and recursion fomula}The following are the items that appear in the above menu.• {Tabl}/{Web}/{an-Cn}/{Σa-Cn}/{an-Pl}/{Σa-Pl} ... {DispR-Tbl}/{DrawWeb}/{DrawR-Con}/{DrawRΣ-Con}/{DrawR-Plt}/{DrawRΣ-Plt} commandkkkkk REL (conditional jump relational operator commands)Selecting {REL} from the program menu displays the following function menuitems.• {=}/{GGGGG}/{>}/{<}/{ ≥ }/{ ≤ } ... {=}/{G}/{>}/{<}/{≥}/{≤} relational operatorskkkkk I/O (input/output commands)Selecting {I/O} from the program menu displays the following function menu items.• {Lcte}/{Gtky}/{Send}/{Recv} ... {Locate}/{Getkey}/{Send(}/{Receive(} command• The appearance of the function menu differs slightly for a program thatcontains binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal calculation, but the functions inthe menu are the same.20- 10 Useful Program Commands