Installer reference guide11 EHBH04+08 + ERLQ004~008Daikin Altherma - Low Temperature Split4P313774-1 – 2012.055 Application guidelinesConfigurationBenefitsQ Cooling. Heat pump convectors provide, besides heatingcapacity, also excellent cooling capacity.Q Efficiency. Under floor heating has the best performance withAltherma LT.Q Comfort. The combination of the two heat emitter typesprovides:Q The excellent heating comfort of the under floor heatingQ The excellent cooling comfort of the heat pump convectors5.2.2 Multiple rooms – One LWT zoneIf only one leaving water temperature zone is needed because thedesign leaving water temperature of all heat emitters is the same, youdo NOT need a mixing valve station (cost effective).Example: If the heat pump system is used to heat up one floor whereall the rooms have the same heat emitters.Under floor heating or radiators – ThermostaticvalvesIf you are heating up rooms with under floor heating or radiators, avery common way is to control the temperature of the main room byusing a thermostat (this can either be the user interface or anexternal room thermostat), while the other rooms are controlled byso-called thermostatic valves, which open or close depending on theroom temperature.SetupQ The under floor heating of the main room is directly connected tothe indoor unit.Q The room temperature of the main room is controlled by the userinterface used as thermostat.Q A thermostatic valve is installed before the under floor heating ineach of the other rooms.ConfigurationBenefitsQ Cost effective.Q Easy. Same installation as for one room, but with thermostaticvalves.Under floor heating or radiators – Multiple externalroom thermostatsSetupQ For each room, a shut-off valve (field supplied) is installed toavoid leaving water supply when there is no heating or coolingdemand.Q A bypass valve must be installed to make water recirculationpossible when all shut-off valves are closed.Q The user interface connected to the indoor unit decides thespace operation mode. Mind that the operation mode on eachroom thermostat must be set to match the indoor unit.Q The room thermostats are connected to the shut-off valves, butdo NOT have to be connected to the indoor unit. The indoor unitwill supply leaving water all the time, with the possibility toprogram a leaving water schedule.ConfigurationBenefitsCompared with under floor heating or radiators for one room:Q Comfort. You can set the desired room temperature, includingschedules, for each room via the room thermostats.Setting ValueUnit temperature control:Q #: [A.2.1.7]Q Code: [C-07]1 (Ext RT control): Unit operationis decided by the externalthermostat.Number of water temperaturezones:Q #: [A.2.1.8]Q Code: [7-02]0 (1 LWT zone): MainExternal room thermostat for themain zone:Q #: [A.2.2.4]Q Code: [C-05]1 (Thermo ON/OFF): When theused external room thermostat orheat pump convector can onlysend a thermo ON/OFFcondition. No separationbetween heating or coolingdemand.A Main leaving water temperature zoneB Room 1C Room 2a User interfaceTB CAaNOTICEMind situations where the main room can be heated byanother heating source. Example: Fireplaces.Setting ValueUnit temperature control:Q #: [A.2.1.7]Q Code: [C-07]2 (RT control): Unit operation isdecided based on the ambienttemperature of the user interface.Number of water temperaturezones:Q #: [A.2.1.8]Q Code: [7-02]0 (1 LWT zone): MainA Main leaving water temperature zoneB Room 1C Room 2a External room thermostatb Bypass valveSetting ValueUnit temperature control:Q #: [A.2.1.7]Q Code: [C-07]0 (LWT control): Unit operation isdecided based on the leavingwater temperature.Number of water temperaturezones:Q #: [A.2.1.8]Q Code: [7-02]0 (1 LWT zone): MainM2M1B CAa ab