EHBH04+08 + ERLQ004~008Daikin Altherma - Low Temperature Split4P313774-1 – 2012.05Installer reference guide468 ConfigurationDigital I/O PCBModification of these settings is only needed when the optional digitalI/O PCB is installed. The digital I/O PCB has multiple functionalitywhich need to be configured. See "5 Application guidelines" onpage 9.# Code Description[A.2.2.4] [C-05] Contact type mainIn external room thermostat control, thecontact type of the optional roomthermostat or heat pump convector forthe main leaving water temperature zonemust be set. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 9.Q 1 (Thermo ON/OFF): Theconnected external room thermostator heat pump convector sends theheating or cooling demand by thesame signal as it is connected toonly 1 digital input (preserved for themain leaving water temperaturezone) on the indoor unit (X2M/1).Select this value in case of aconnection to the heat pumpconvector (FWVX).Q 2 (C/H request)(default): Theconnected external room thermostatsends separate heating and coolingdemand and is therefore connectedto the 2 digital input (preserved forthe main leaving water temperaturezone) on the indoor unit (X2M/1 and2). Select this value in case ofconnection with the wired(EKRTWA) or wireless (EKRTR1)room thermostat.[A.2.2.5] [C-06] Contact type add.In external room thermostat control with2 leaving water temperature zones, thetype of the optional room thermostat forthe additional leaving water temperaturezone must be set. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 9.Q 1 (Thermo ON/OFF): See Contacttype main. Connected on the indoorunit (X2M/1a).Q 2 (C/H request)(default): SeeContact type main. Connected onthe indoor unit (X2M/1a and 2a).[A.2.2.B] [C-08] External sensorWhen an optional external ambientsensor is connected, the type of thesensor must be set. See "5 Applicationguidelines" on page 9.Q 0 (No)(default): NOT installed. Thethermistor in the user interface andin the outdoor unit are used formeasurement.Q 1 (Outdoor sensor): Installed. Theoutdoor sensor will be used tomeasure the outdoor ambienttemperature. Remark: For somefunctionality, the temperature sensorin the outdoor unit is still used.Q 2 (Room sensor): Installed. Thetemperature sensor in the userinterface is NOT used anymore.Remark: This value has onlymeaning in room thermostat control.# Code Description[A.] [C-02] Ext. backup heat srcIndicates if the space heating is alsoperformed by means of an other heatsource that the system.Q 0 (No)(default): NOT installed.Q 1 (Bivalent): Installed. The auxiliaryboiler (gasboiler, oil burner) willoperate when the outdoor ambienttemperature is low. During thebivalent operation, the heat pump isturned OFF. Set this value in casean auxililary boiler is used. See"5 Application guidelines" onpage 9.[A.] [D-07] Solar kitOnly applicable for EHBH/X. Indicates ifthe domestic hot water tank is alsoheated by thermal solar panels.Q 0 (No)(default): NOT installed.Q 1 (Yes): Installed. The domestic hotwater tank can –besides by the heatpump- also be heated by thermalsolar panels. Set this value ifthermal solar panels are installed.See "5 Application guidelines" onpage 9.[A.] [C-09] Alarm outputIndicates the logic of the alarm output onthe digital I/O PCB during malfunctioning.Q 0 (Normally open)(default): Thealarm output will be powered whenan alarm occurs. By setting thisvalue, a distinction is made betweenmalfunctioning and detection of apower failure of the unit.Q 1 (Normally closed): The alarmoutput will NOT be powered whenan alarm occurs.[A.] [F-04] Bottom plate heaterOnly applicable for EHBH/X16 andEHVH/X16. Indicates if an optionalbottom plate heater is installed on theoutdoor unit. The power of the bottomplate heater is in this case supplied bythe indoor unit.Q 0 (No)(default): NOT installed.Q 1 (Yes): Installed. Remark: If thisvalue is set, the output on the digitalI/O PCB cannot be used for spaceheating/cooling output. See"5 Application guidelines" onpage 9.