Installer reference guide57 EHBH04+08 + ERLQ004~008Daikin Altherma - Low Temperature Split4P313774-1 – 2012.058 ConfigurationBooster heater and heat pump operationFor systems with separate domestic hot water tank (only forEHBH/X)Timers# Code DescriptionN/A [4-03] Defines the operation permission of thebooster heater depending on ambient,domestic hot water temperature oroperation mode of heat pump. Thissetting is only applicable in reheat modefor applications with separate domestichot water tank.Q 0: Booster heater operation is NOTallowed except for "Disinfectionfunction" and "Powerful domesticwater heating".Only use this in case the capacity ofthe heat pump can cover theheating requirements of the houseand domestic hot water over thecomplete heating season.If the outdoor temperature is belowsetting [5-03] and [5-02]=1, thedomestic hot water will not beheated. The domestic hot watertemperature can be maximum theheat pump OFF temperature.Q 1: Booster heater operation isallowed when required.Q 2: The booster heater is allowedoutside the operation range of theheat pump for domestic hot wateroperation.Booster heater operation is onlyallowed if:Q Ambient temperature is out ofthe operating range: Ta <[5-03]or Ta >35°C, ORQ Domestic hot watertemperature is 2°C lower thanthe heat pump OFFtemperature.The booster heater will be allowed tooperate when T a <[5-03] independent ofthe status of [5-02].If bivalent operation is enabled andpermission signal for auxiliary boiler isON, the booster heater will be restrictedeven when T a <[5-03]. See [C-02].Q 3: The booster heater is allowedwhen the heat pump is NOT activein domestic hot water operation.Same as setting 1, but simultaneousheat pump domestic hot wateroperation and booster heateroperation is not allowed.When setting [4-03]=1/2/3, the boosterheater operation can still be restricted bythe booster heater allowance schedule.N/A [7-00] Overshoot temperature. Temperaturedifference above the domestic hot waterset point temperature before the boosterheater is turned OFF. The domestic hotwater tank temperature will increase with[7-00] above selected temperatureset point.N/A [7-01] Hysteresis. Temperature differencebetween booster heater ON and boosterheater OFF temperature. The minimumhysteresis temperature is 2°C.N/A [6-00] The temperature difference determiningthe heat pump ON temperature.N/A [6-01] The temperature difference determiningthe heat pump OFF temperature.# Code DescriptionN/A [8-00] Minimum running time for domestic hotwater operation. During this time, spaceheating/cooling is NOT allowed, evenwhen the target domestic hot watertemperature has been reached.N/A [8-01] Maximum running time for domestic hotwater operation. Domestic hot waterheating stops even when the targetdomestic hot water temperature is NOTreached. The actual maximum runningtime also depends on setting [8-04].Q When system layout = Roomthermostat control: This preset valueis only taken into account if there isa request for space heating orcooling. If there is NO request forspace heating/cooling, the tank isheated until heat pump OFFtemperature.Q When system layout ≠ Roomthermostat control: This preset valueis always taken into account.N/A [8-02] Anti-recycling time.Minimum time between two cycles fordomestic hot water. The actual anti-recycling time also depends on setting[8-04].N/A [8-03] Booster heater delay timer.Only for EKHW*Start-up delay time for the booster heaterwhen domestic hot water mode is active.Q When domestic hot water mode isNOT active, the delay time is20 minutes.Q The delay time starts from boosterheater ON temperature.Q By adapting the booster heaterdelay time versus the maximumrunning time, you can find anoptimal balance between the energyefficiency and the heat up time.Q If the booster heater delay time isset too high, it might take a long timebefore the domestic hot waterreaches its set temperature.Q The setting [8-03] is only meaningfulif setting [4-03]=1. Setting [4-03]=0/2/3 limits the booster heaterautomatically in relation toheat pump operation time indomestic water heating mode.Q Make sure that [8-03] is always inrelation with the maximum runningtime [8-01].N/A [8-04] Additional running time for the maximumrunning time depending on the outdoortemperature [4-02] or [F-01].# Code Description