Air and Water cooled inverter chillers and heat pumpD-EOMZC00105-17ENOperation Manual16/84EWAD TZ - EWAD TZ B -EWWD VZAir and Water cooled inverter chillers andheat pumpM a i n M e n u 1 / E n t e r P a s s w o r d U n i t S t a t u s =O f f : U n i t S WA c t i v e S e t p t = 7 . 0 ° CThe active item is highlighted in contrast, in this example the item highlighted in Main Menu is a link to anotherpage. By pressing the push’n’roll, the HMI will jump to a different page. In this case the HMI will jump to theEnter Password page.E n t e r P a s s w o r d 2 / 2E n t e r P W * * * *3.3 PasswordsThe HMI structure is based on access levels that means that each password will disclose all the settings andparameters allowed to that password level. Basic informations about the status including the active alarm list,active setpoint and controlled water temperature can be accessed without the need to enter the password.The user UC handles two level of passwords:USER 5321MAINTENANCE 2526The following information will cover all data and settings accessible with the maintenance password. Userpassword will disclose a subset of the settings explained in chapter 4.In the Enter Password screen, the line with the password field will be highlighted to indicate that the field onthe right can be changed. This represents a setpoint for the controller. Pressing the push’n’roll the individualfield will be highlighted to allow an easy introduction of the numeric password. By changing all fields, the 4digits password will be entered and, if correct, the additional settings available with that password level will bedisclosed.E n t e r P a s s w o r d 2 / 2E n t e r P W 5 * * *The password will time out after 10 minutes and is cancelled if a new password is entered or the control powersdown. Entering an invalid password has the same effect as continuing without a password.Once a valid password has been entered, the controller allows further changes and access without requiringthe user to enter a password until either the password timer expires or a different password is entered. Thedefault value for this password timer is 10 minutes. It is changeable from 3 to 30 minutes via the Timer Settingsmenu in the Extended Menus.3.4 EditingThe Editing Mode is entered by pressing the navigation wheel while the cursor is pointing to a line containingan editable field. Once in the edit mode pressing the wheel again causes the editable field to be highlighted.Turning the wheel clockwise while the editable field is highlighted causes the value to be increased. Turningthe wheel counter-clockwise while the editable field is highlighted causes the value to be decreased. The fasterthe wheel is turned, the faster the value is increased or decreased. Pressing the wheel again cause the newvalue to be saved and the keypad/display to leave the edit mode and return to the navigation mode.A parameter with an “R” is read only; it is giving a value or description of a condition. An “R/W indicates a readand/or write opportunity; a value can be read or changed (providing the proper password has been entered).Example 1: Check Status, for example -is the unit being controlled locally or by an external network? We arelooking for the Unit Control Source Since this a unit status parameter, start at Main Menu and select View/SetUnit and press the wheel to jump to the next set of menus. There will be an arrow at the right side of the box,