Air and Water cooled inverter chillers and heat pumpD-EOMZC00105-17ENOperation Manual30/84EWAD TZ - EWAD TZ B -EWWD VZAir and Water cooled inverter chillers andheat pumpFan settings are set to have a good and stable control of the condenser saturated temperature in almost alloperating conditions.Improper modification of the default settings could affect performances and generate circuit alarms. This actionmust be performed only by trained persons.4.3.4 EXVThis page resumes all the relevant information about the status of the EXV logic.Setpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionTZ / TZ B VZEXV State= Closed Closed Closed, Pressure, Superheat EXV StateSuction SH= 6.0°C 6.0°C Suction SuperheatSuperht Target= 6.0°C 6.0°C Suction Superheat setpointPress Target N/A -Evap Pressure= 220kPa 220kPa Evaporating PressureEXV Position= 50.0% 50.0% Expansion valve opening4.3.5 Economizer (A/C only)This page resumes all the relevant information about the data and the status of the economizerSetpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionEconomizer= With Without, With Setting to enable or disable the EconomizerEcon State= Regulation Off,Preopen, SSH, Liq Inj Economizer StateEcon EXV Pos= 0% Economizer EXV openingEcon SH= 6.0°C Economizer SuperheatEcon SH Tar= 6.0°C Actual calculated Economizer superheat targetMin EcoSH Tar= 6.0°C Minimum Economizer superheat targetEcon Press= 500kPa Economizer PressureEcon Sat Temp= 24°C Economizer Saturated TemperatureEcon Temp= 30°C Economizer TemperatureEcon En Cap= 1200rpm Minimum compressor speed to enable Economizer4.3.6 Settings (A/C units only)This page resumes the settings of the circuit.Setpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionPumpdn Press= 100kPa 70…280kPa Pumpdown pressure limitPumpdn Time= 120s 0…180s Pumpdown timeout limitService Pumpdn= Off Off,On Activation of the function service pumpdownLiq Inject Act= 90°C 80…100°C Discharge Temperature limit to enable the liquid injectionVar VR Act PR= 3.8 1.5…5 Pressure Ratio threshold to activate VR3 slide position4.3.7 Variable VRThis page contains present data of variable VR control.Setpoint/Sub-Menu DescriptionPress Ratio Present value of compressor pressure ratioVR Position Present position of VR slide4.4 Active SetpointThis link jumps to the page “Tmp Setpoint”. This page resumes all chiller water temperature setpoints (limitsand active setpoint will depend on the operating mode selected).Setpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionTZ/TZ B VZCool LWT 1= 7.0°C 7.0°C 4.0…15.0°C (cool mode)-8.0…15.0°C (cool w/ glycol mode)Primary cooling setpointCool LWT 2= 7.0°C 7.0°C 4.0…15.0°C (cool mode)-8.0…15.0°C (cool w/ glycol mode)Secondary cooling setpoint (see 3.6.3)Ice LWT= -4.0°C -4.0°C -8.0…4.0°C Ice setpoint (ice banking with on/off mode)Max LWT= 15.0°C 15.0°C 10.0…20.0°C High limit for Cool LWT1 and Cool LWT2Min LWT= -8.0°C -8.0°C -15.0…-8.0°C Low limit for Cool LWT1 and Cool LWT2HR EWT Stp= 40.0°C N/A 30.0…50.0°C Heat Recovery Entering Water SetpointHR EWT Dif= 2.0°C N/A 1.0…10.0°C Heat Recovery Water Temperature differential