Air and Water cooled inverter chillers and heat pumpD-EOMZC00105-17ENOperation Manual38/84EWAD TZ - EWAD TZ B -EWWD VZAir and Water cooled inverter chillers andheat pumpMode Description Unit RangeHeat/Coolw/GlycolSet in case a dual cool/heat mode is required. This setting implies an operation with doublefunctioning which is activated through the Cool/Heat switch on the electric box Switch COOL: The chiller will work in cooling mode with the Cool LWT 1 as the Active Setpoint. Switch HEAT: The chiller will work in heat pump mode with the Heat LWT 1 as the ActiveSetpointW/CHeat/Icew/GlycolSet in case a dual cool/heat mode is required. This setting implies an operation with doublefunctioning which is activated through the Cool/Heat switch on the electric box Switch ICE: The chiller will work in cooling mode with the Ice LWT as the Active Setpoint. Switch HEAT: The chiller will work in heat pump mode with the Heat LWT 1 as the ActiveSetpoint.W/CPursuit Set in case of double water control cool and contemporary heat. Evaporator leaving watertemperature follows the Cool LWT 1 setpoint. Condenser leaving water temperature follows theHeat LWT 1 setpoint.W/CTest Enables the Manual Control of the unit. The manual test feature helps in debugging and checkingthe operational status of sensors and actuators. This feature is accessible only with themaintenance password in the main menu. To activate the test feature is required to disable theUnit from the Q0 switch and change the available mode to Test (see section 5.2.2).A/C and W/C5.1.3 Temperature SettingsPurpose of the unit is to keep the evaporator leaving water temperature as close as possible to a pre-set value,called Active Setpoint. The Active Setpoint is calculated by the unit controller based on the followingparameters: Available Modes Double setpoint input Scheduler state LWT Setpoint Setpoint Reset Quiet Mode (A/C units only)Operation mode and LWT setpoint can also be set via network if the appropriate control source has beenselected. LWT Setpoint SettingSetpoint range is limited according to the selected operating mode. The controller includes: two set points in cooling mode (either standard cool or cool w/glycol) two set points in heating mode (W/C units only)) one set point in ice modeThe above setpoints are activated according to Operating mode, Double Setpoint or Scheduler selection. Ifthe Time Scheduler is enabled the Double Setpoint input state will be ignored by the controller.The table below lists the LWT Setpoint being activated according to the operation mode, the double setpointswitch status and the scheduler state. The table also reports the defaults and the range allowed for eachsetpoint.Operating Mode Units Double SetpointInputScheduler LWT Setpoint Default RangeCool A/CW/COFF Off, On Setpoint 1 Cool LWT 1 7.0°C 4.0°C 15.0°CON On Setpoint 2 Cool LWT 2 7.0°C 4.0°C 15.0°CIce A/CW/CN/A N/A Ice LWT -4.0°C -8.0°C 4.0°CHeat W/C OFF Off, On Setpoint 1 Heat LWT 1 45.0°C 30.0°C 60.0°C(*)ON On Setpoint 2 Heat LWT 2 45.0°C 30.0°C 60.0°C(*)(*) 30.0°C 65.0 for HT unit typeThe LWT setpoint can be overridden in case the setpoint reset (for details see chapter or the quietmode are activated (see chapter