Air and Water cooled inverter chillers and heat pumpD-EOMZC00105-17ENOperation Manual34/84EWAD TZ - EWAD TZ B -EWWD VZAir and Water cooled inverter chillers andheat pumpSetpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionEvap Pressure= Evaporator Pressure current reading (includes the offset)Evp Pr Offset= 0.0kPa Evaporator Pressure offsetCond Pressure= Condenser Pressure current reading (includes the offset)Cnd Pr Offset= 0.0kPa Condenser Pressure offsetOil Pressure= Oil Pressure current reading (includes the offset)Oil Pr Offset= 0.0kPa Oil Pressure offsetSuction Temp= Suction Temperature current reading (includes the offset)Suction Offset= 0.0°C Suction Temperature offsetDischarge Temp= Discharge Temperature current reading (includes the offset)Disch Offset= 0.0°C Discharge Temperature offsetEcon Pressure= Economizer Pressure current reading (includes the offset)Eco Pr Offset= 0.0kPa Economizer Pressure offsetEcon Temp= Economizer Temperature current reading (includes the offset)Eco Tmp Offset= 0.0°C Economizer Temperature offsetCalibrations of the Evaporator Pressure and Suction Temperature are mandatory for the applications withnegative water temperature setpoints. These calibrations have to be performed with proper gauge andthermometer.An improper calibration of the two instruments may generate limitation of the operations, alarms and evendamages to components.4.12.3 Manual ControlThis page contains links to other sub-pages where all the actuators can be tested, the raw values of thereadings of each sensor or transducer can be checked, the status of all the digital inputs verified and the statusof all the digital output checked.Setpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionUnit Acutators and sensors for the common parts (Unit)Circuit #1 Acutators and sensors for Circuit #1Circuit #2 Acutators and sensors for Circuit # UnitThis page contains all the test point, status of the digital inputs, status of the digital output and raw value of theanalog inputs associated to the Unit. To activate the test point it’s required to set the Available Modes to Test(see section 4.8) and this requires the Unit to be disabled.Setpoint/Sub-Menu Default Range DescriptionTest Unit Alarm Out= Off Off/On Test of the General Alarm relay outputTest C1 Alarm Out= Off Off/On Test of the Circuit #1 Alarm relay outputTest C2 Alarm Out= Off Off/On Test of the Circuit #2 Alarm relay outputTest Evap Pump 1= Off Off/On Test of the Evaporator Pump #1Test Evap Pump 2= Off Off/On Test of the Evaporator Pump #2Test HR Pmp= Off Off/On Test of the Heat Recovery PumpTest Bypass Vlv= Off Off/On Test of the Bypass ValveTest Pmp Spd= 0% 0-100% Test of the Evaporator Pump SpeedInput/Output Values Off/OnUnit Sw Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Unit SwitchEstop Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Emergency Stop buttonPVM Inpt= Off Off/On Status of Phase Voltage monitor, Under-Over voltage protection or GroundFault protection (check option installed)Evap Flow Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Evaporator Flow switchExt Alm Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the External Alarm inputCurrLm En Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Current Limit enable switch (optional)Dbl Spt Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Double Setpoint switchDbl Speed Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the pump Double Speed SwitchRR Unlock Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Rapid Restart enable switch (optional)HR Switch Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Heat Recovery Switch inputLoc Bas Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Local Network Switch inputBattery Inpt= Off Off/On Status of the Battery Mode inputEvp LWT Res= 0Ohm 340-300kOhm Resistance of the Evaporator LWT sensorEvp EWT Res= 0Ohm 340-300kOhm Resistance of the Evaporator EWT sensorOA Temp Res= 0Ohm 340-300kOhm Resistance of the OAT sensorHR Ewt Res= 0Ohm 340-300kOhm Resistance of the Heat Recovery EWT sensor