SiUS331604E Field Setting from Outdoor UnitField Setting 102Procedure for changing COOL/HEAT selection settingPress the SET (BS2) button to setthe blinking LED according to thepattern shown on the right.Press the RETURN (BS3) button todetermine the setting.Check the system for each conditionthrough LED displays. (Refer toinformation in table on the right.)Press the RETURN (BS3) button andreturn to the initial status of settingmode 1.hhhhhhlhhhlhhhlhhhhhhk ONh OFFl BlinkProcedure for checkingSetting mode 1 is the initial status(normal). In case of other status,press the MODE (BS1) button onetime and return to the setting mode 1.MODEH1PTESTH2PCOOL/HEAT selectINDH3PMASTERH4PSLAVEH5PLownoiseH6PDemandH7Ph h k h h h hSetting (displaying) item MODEH1PTESTH2PCOOL/HEAT selectINDH3PMASTERH4PSLAVEH5PLOWNOISEH6PDEMANDH7PFor selection by individual outdoorunit (factory setting)For selection in a batch of outdoorunit group with master unitFor selection in a batch of outdoorunit group with slave unitThe system returns to the initial status of setting mode 1.Current operating conditionsh Normalk Abnormall In preparation or incheck operationSetting of COOL/HEAT selectionk h h By individual outdoorunith k h In a batch of outdoor unitgroup with master unith h k In a batch of outdoor unitgroup with slave unitLow noise operating conditionsh In normal operationk In low noise operationDemand operating conditionsh In normal operationk In demand operationSetting mode 1 is the initial status(normal). In case of other status,press the MODE (BS1) button onetime and return to the setting mode 1.