SiUS331604E Field Setting from Outdoor UnitField Setting 1143.10 Setting of Auxiliary Heater ControlTo improve efficiency and lower install cost the auxiliary heater can be lockout based on outdoor temperature.Auxiliary heater maximum allowable temperatureAuxiliary heater is allowed to energize when the ambient temperature is smaller than the auxiliary heatermaximum allowable temperature.Auxiliary heater maximum allowable temperature release differentialAuxiliary heater is not allowed to energize when the outdoor ambient temperature is recovered by differentialabove the auxiliary heater maximum allowable temperature.No.Setting item display Setting condition displaySetting item MODEH1P TESTH2PC/H selection LownoiseH6PDemandH7PINDH3PMasterH4P SlaveH5P ∗ Factory setting50Auxiliaryheatermaximumallowabletemperaturek k k h h k h–17.7°C (0°F) k h h h h h h–15°C (5°F) k h h h h h k–12.2°C (10°F) k h h h h k h–9.4°C (15°F) k h h h h k k–6.6°C (20°F) k h h h k h h–3.8°C (25°F) k h h h k h k–1.1°C (30°F) k h h h k k h1.6°C (35°F) k h h h k k k ∗4.4°C (40°F) k h h k h h h7.2°C (45°F) k h h k h h k10°C (50°F) k h h k h k h12.7°C (55°F) k h h k h k k15.5°C (60°F) k h h k k h h18.3°C (65°F) k h h k k h kAuxiliary heateralways not allowed k h h k k k hAuxiliary heateralways allowed k h h k k k kNo.Setting item display Setting condition displaySetting item MODEH1PTESTH2PC/H selection LownoiseH6PDemandH7PINDH3PMasterH4PSlaveH5P ∗ Factory setting56Auxiliaryheatermaximumallowabletemperaturereleasedifferentialk k k k h h h2.8°C (5°F) k h h h h h h5.6°C (10°F) k h h h h h k ∗8.3°C (15°F) k h h h h k h