Memory lockedThe program memory is write-protected and cannot bealtered.This means that auto recognition can neither be set nordeleted and programs can neither be saved nor deleted.Equally, → RAM save and → Delete EPROM will not beexecuted.Error 191Illegal cam arrayAn incorrect or old array is defined in the DIM instructionfor SETCURVE.An old array may exist if the zbc (or cnf) file with allparameters and arrays has not been loaded into the CAM-Editor.An incorrect array could be caused by the following:- It was not created by the curve editor.- Previous version of a curve editor. Such an arraymust first be converted by the current CAMEditor(→ load and save).- Or the order of the arrays in the DIM instructiondoes not match the order in the zbc (or cnf) file.Refer to the number of the array in the title barof the CAM-Editor in this respect.Error 192Encoder errorError from encoder monitoring: open or short circuit inaccordance with the displayed LED.An error will be indicated even if no encoder is connected.Error 193Stack overflowInternal error. Dynamic stack overflow caused by too manylocal variables or to many nested function calls.Increase the stack size in Settings → Compiler.Error 194Out of dynamic memoryThere is not enough dynamic memory for the requesteddata log (TESTSETP). Either TESTSTART demands too muchdynamic memory or is called repeatedly.Error 195Too many testindicesThe data logging command (TESTSETP) contained toomany indices. There is an actual limit of 20.Error 196Code too oldThe compiler which produced the program code was tooold for this firmware. Please use a newer APOSS.Error 198Limit sw. violationAfter reaching the limit switch and clearing the error therewas the attempt to move again into wrong direction.Error 199Internal MCO faultIf such an error should occur, please contact your dealerand report the error number displayed to the technicalservice department.Troubleshooting MCO 305 Operating InstructionsMG.33.K3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 337 7