6-50 Terminal 42 OutputOption: Function:[134] Torq.0-lim 4-20 mA 0 - Torque limit (4-16 Torque LimitMotor Mode)[135] Torq.0-nom4-20mA0 - Motor rated torque[136] Power 4-20mA 0 - Motor rated power[137] Speed 4-20mA 0 - Speed High Limit (4-13 and 4-14)[138] Torque 4-20mA[139] Bus ctrl. 0-100%, (0-20 mA)[140] Bus ctrl. 4-20 mA 0-100%[141] Bus ctrl t.o. 0-100%, (0-20 mA)[142] Bus ctrl t.o.4-20mA0-100%[143] Ext. CL 1 4-20mA 0-100%[144] Ext. CL 2 4-20mA 0-100%[145] Ext. CL 3 4-20mA 0-100%[146] Cascade Ref.4-20mA[147] Main act val0-20mA[148] Main act val4-20mA[150] Out frq 0-Fmax4-20mA[254] DC Link 0-20mA[255] DC Link 4-20mANOTICEValues for setting the minimum reference are found inopen loop parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference and forclosed loop 20-13 Minimum Reference/Feedb. - values formaximum reference for open loop is found in3-03 Maximum Reference and for closed loop20-14 Maximum Reference/Feedb.6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min ScaleRange: Function:0 %* [0 - 200%]Scale for the minimum output (0 mA or 4 mA)of the analog signal at terminal 42.Set the value to be the percentage of the fullrange of the variable selected inparameter 6-50 Terminal 42 Output.6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max ScaleRange: Function:100%*[0 -200%]Scale for the maximum output (20 mA) of theanalog signal at terminal 42.Set the value to be the percentage of the fullrange of the variable selected inparameter 6-50 Terminal 42 Output.6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max ScaleRange: Function:130BA075.12(mA)0%200/4100%CurrentAnalogueoutputMin Scalepar. 6-93Variableforoutputexample:Speed(RPM)AnalogueOutputMax Scalepar. 6-94Illustration 6.19 Output Current vs ReferenceVariableIt is possible to get a value lower than 20 mA atfull scale by programming values >100% by usinga formula as follows:20mA /desired maximum current × 100%i .e . 10mA: 20mA10mA × 100% = 200%Example 1:Variable value=OUTPUT FREQUENCY, range=0-100 HzRange needed for output=0-50 HzOutput signal 0 mA or 4 mA is needed at 0 Hz (0% ofrange) - set parameter 6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale to0%Output signal 20 mA is needed at 50 Hz (50% of range) -set parameter 6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale to 50%0/4 mA20 mA50% 100%0%50Hz 100Hz0Hz130BA858.10Illustration 6.20 Example 1Example 2:Variable=FEEDBACK, range=-200% to +200%Range needed for output=0-100%Output signal 0 mA or 4 mA is needed at 0% (50% ofrange) - set parameter 6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale to50%Output signal 20 mA is needed at 100% (75% of range) -set parameter 6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale to 75%How to programme the freque... Operating InstructionsMG20Y202 Danfoss A/S © Rev. 06/2014 All rights reserved. 816 6 PreviousNext |