Using Your Printer in Linux235 When the installation is complete, click Finish.The installation program has added the Unified DriverConfigurator desktop icon and Dell Unified Driver groupto the system menu for your convenience. If you haveany difficulties, consult the onscreen help that is availablethrough your system menu or can otherwise be calledfrom the driver package windows applications, such asUnified Driver Configurator or Image Manager.NOTE: Installing the driver in the text mode:• If you do not use the graphical interface or have failed thedriver installation, you have to use the driver in the textmode.• Follow the step 1 to 3, then type [root@localhost Linux]# ./, then follow the instruction on the terminal screen.Then the installation completes.• When you wan to uninstall the driver, follow the installationinstruction above, but type [root@localhost Linux]# ./ on the terminal screen.Uninstalling the Unified Linux Driver1 When the Administrator Login window appears, type inroot in the Login field and enter the system password.NOTE: You must log in as a super user (root) to uninstall theprinter software. If you are not a super user, ask your systemadministrator.2 Insert the printer Drivers and Utilities CD. The CD willautomatically run.If the CD does not automatically run, click the icon atthe bottom of the desktop. When the Terminal screenappears, type in:If the CD-ROM is secondary master and the location tomount is /mnt/cdrom,[root@localhost root]#mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom[root@localhost root]#cd /mnt/cdrom/Linux[root@localhost root]#./uninstall.shNOTE: The installation program runs automatically if youhave an autorun software package installed and configured.3 Click Uninstall.4 Click Next.5 Click Finish.