82 | TroubleshootingCommon Macintosh problemsCONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSThe printer does notprint PDF file correctly.Some parts of graphics,text, or illustrations aremissing.Incompatibility between the PDF file andthe Acrobat products:Printing the PDF file as an image maysolve this problem. Turn on Print AsImage from the Acrobat printing options.It will take longer to print whenyou print a PDF file as an image.The document hasprinted, but the print jobhas not disappearedfrom the spooler in MacOS 10.3.2.Update your Mac OS to OS 10.3.3. orhigher.Some letters are notdisplayed normallyduring the Cover pageprinting.This problem is caused because Mac OScannot create the font during the Coverpage printing. English alphabet andnumbers are displayed normally at theCover page.Refer to Mac OS User’s Guide that came with your computer forfurther information on Mac OS error messages.