Use only the power cord indicated in this manual.31. AppendixDell Technical Support PolicyContacting DellWarranty and Return PolicyDell cal Support PolicyTechnician-assi hnical support requires the cooperation and participation of the cu thetroubleshooting process and provides for restoration of the op ystem, software program andhardware drivers to the original de guration as shipped from Dell, as well as the verificationof appr unctionality of the printer and all Dell-installed hardware. In addit his technicianassisted technical support, online technical s available at Dell Support. Additional technicalsupport options ma ilable for purchase.Dell provides limited techni ort for the printer and any Dell-installed software and peripherals.for third-party software and peripherals is provided by the origina turer, including thosepurchased and/or installed through Software & Peripherals (DellWare), ReadyWare, andCustom Factory Integration (CFI).Contacting DellYou can acc Support at Select your region on the toppage, and fill in the re details to access help tools and information.You can contact Dell electronically using the followi esses:World Wide (for Asian/Pacific countries only) (for Europe only) (for Latin American countries)Anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) user: anonymous, and use your email address as your passworElectronic Support (for Asian/ countries only) (for Europe only)Electronic Quote (for Asian/Pacific countri