Chapter 1 TroubleshootingVersion 2 2007.05.22FIP-1. 91 Over Heat 042-700/Copy Scan Fax 142-700Possible causative parts:KIT FEEDER (PL3.2.99)PWBA MCU (PL9.1.20)NoYesChecking theprintingChecking the printing aftercool down of five minutes.Did theclient print the largevolume ofprinting?Checking the PWBA MCUReseat the PWBA MCU.(Removal 67/Replacement55)Does the errorstill occur whenprinting?NoYesENDDoes the errorstill occur whenprinting?NoYesENDChecking after replacingthe PWBA MCUReplace the PWBAMUC.(Removal 67/Replacement 55)Does the errorstill occur whenprinting?NoYesENDReplace the KIT FEEDER.(Removal 16/Replacement30)Checking the room temperatureIs the roomtemp. over 32degrees C ?.NoYesChange the room orcool down the room