3 - 39Chapter 3 Removal and Replacement Procedures (RRPs)Version 2 2007.03.20Removal 24 LEFT ARM ASSEMBLY (PL7.1.97)Steps 1 through 7 are for reference. Before removing this component, check that Steps 1 through 7have been performed.1) Open FRONT COVER (PL13.2.1).2) Remove the FUSER. (Removal 8)3) Remove the REAR COVER. (Removal 49)4) Remove the COVER BOTTOM. (Removal 50)5) Remove the COVER POLE IN L. (Removal 57)6) Remove the COVER POLE L. (Removal 58)7) Remove the LEFT COVER. (Removal 59)8) Release the hook of the SHAFT PIVOT (PL13.2.10) that fixes the LINK L to the FRONTCOVER (PL13.2.1), and then remove the LINK L from the FRONT COVER by pulling theSHAFT PIVOT to the outside.9) Remove the three screws (silver, tap, 8mm) that fix the SUPPORT LINK L (PL7.1.2) to theprinter.10) Remove the SUPPORT LINK L from the printer.Continues to the next page.Gnb03035KA8)-28)-18)-310)9) 9)9)