• Pitched color dots• Vertical blanks• Ghosting• Light-induced fatigue• Fog• Bead-Carry-Out (BCO)• Jagged characters• Banding• Auger mark• Wrinkled/Stained paper• Damage on the leading edge of paperThe output is too lightAction Yes No1 The toner cartridges may be low or need to be replaced. Confirm theamount of toner left in each toner cartridge.a Check the toner level in the Status tab in the Status Monitor.The task is complete. Go to action 2.b Replace the toner cartridges as necessary.Does this solve your problem?2 If you are using non-Dell brand toner cartridges, enable the Non-DellToner option.a Launch the Tool Box, and click Maintenance on the PrinterMaintenance tab.The task is complete. Go to action 3.b Ensure that the On check box under Non-Dell Toner is selected.Does this solve your problem?3 Disable the Toner Saver in the printer driver.a On the Others tab, ensure that Off is selected in the Toner Saverdrop-down menu.The task is complete. Go to action 4.Does this solve your problem?4 The print media surface may be uneven. Try changing the Paper Typesetting in the printer driver. For example, change the plain paper tothick.The task is complete. Go to action 5.a On the General tab, change the Paper Type setting.Does this solve your problem?Troubleshooting Guide 325