28 About Your ComputerBottom ViewB A T T E R Y — When a battery is installed, you can use the computer withoutconnecting the computer to an electrical outlet (see "Using a Battery" on page 47).B A T T E R Y R E L E A S E L A T C H — Releases the battery (see "Replacing the Battery" onpage 52 for instructions).PR O C E S S O R /M E M O R Y M O D U L E /M I N I -C A R D C O M P A R T M E N T — Compartment thatcontains the memory modules and WLAN. (see "Wireless Mini-Cards" on page 120).HA R D DR I V E — Stores software and data.O P T I C A L D R I V E — For more information about the optical drive, see "UsingMultimedia" on page 55.1 optical drive 2 battery3 battery release latch 4 processor/memory module/mini-card compartment5 hard drive352 41